well, i think this is my blog thing.

jueves, julio 29

new post

its been awhile and ive been busy. too much running around and vbs. not enough metroid =) by the way i had an annoying experience last night. i played for about an hour, got pretty far. it was getting harder and harder and try as i might i couldtn find a save point. died. nothign worse than completely wasting an entire hour. i know, i know, video games are a waste of time. but having nothing to show for it is even worse. having to waste that hour again... ugh.

tomorrow's joe's birfday so we celebrated today. got a hamburger cake. it was cool looking, regular cake that looked like a huge hamburger and fries, icing fixtures. yum. im just realizing how many people i know that have a birthday in this last week of july and first week of august.

sorry stan, no comics yet. ive been busy. and no new pic of me yet, althogh i want to take one before my hair freaks out. its always the best right after haircuts. oh and that picture there right now is not recent at all. my hair was way past my shoulders until i just cut it. that pic is from my sophomore year of college. feels like so long ago. anyway, no new picture because i have no digital cameras here at the moment.

hmm, this is no essay. i would like to write about something substantial and serious sometime but i cant seem to make my brain function at night. so much surfacy thoughts come to mind. maybe next time. for now, see this weird and disturbing site.

viernes, julio 23

just in time

whew. i mowed the lawn today (a lawn so much larger than anyone coudl possibly need). i cant even tell i mowed it. as far as im concerned, people mow these things too often. but im so glad i did it when i did. as i was mowing i saw storm clouds rapidly approaching.  it started pouring 10 min after i finished. thank the Lordy.

my hair is finally short. feels so good to be able to wash it in a matter of seconds. the salon lady did it funky so it was too long in the back so i looked much like a hick. so i decided to fix it at home. haha. these things never work out, as you keep cutting more and more to make it even. this time its not so bad, still uneven but tolerable. and much better than when i first walked out of the salon. im sure everyone cares a whole bunch about my hair (yeah right) so i'll stop right now.

martes, julio 20

atkins blah

i thought this expressed my feelings on the stupid diet fad well. click it if you cant read it Posted by Hello

my portrait. kinda blurry Posted by Hello


i think i spent roughly and hour and a half in the car toting my sissy. i really shouldnt complain about this as much as i am. its like im earning my keep. ugh, what a bum.

wow. i have nothing to say.  i thought i did. i havent been up to much that is different, just cleaning and trying to entertain myself. but im sick of all that.  i just worry about petty things, like how blockbuster has all of '24' season one except the 5th disc. 1,2,3,4 and 6. what the heck? my life is too unstructured and poorly thought out.

lunes, julio 19

no surprises

man, i miss talking to friends. i guess after this weekend it just seems like ive not talked to any of you in a long time.
i really hate when i figure out whats gonna happen in something im watching. thats one of the worst feelings-  missing that surprise element that you know youre supposed to get. at first it makes you feel kinda smart, like 'gee im good'. but then i realise its probably just bad writing and predictability. its especially bad when you end up watching for a long time, knowing youre right and having to wait for it. oh well. i'll get back to my 24 marathon.
im hungry.

domingo, julio 18

congrats to sarah and joe

so its done. my good friend from high school is now married. how weird. sure ive had about, hmm, 1 friend get married already. but thats different, i met her in college and she had been with the same guy since before i knew her. the two were always kind of one in my mind. who'd have thunk when i met sarah that she'd be married in only a few years?
the whole weekend was great. im still tired from it. a lot of firsts for me... first massage (relaxing, but still not my favorite thing), first manicure, first maid of honor, first champagne (you are wrong about this j, it was excellent), first wedding in PA.
not only did the wedding preparations, the wedding and the reception go smoothly, i made a couple new friends. the two friends of sarah's from the get together thursday night were helping out with everything before. nicole stayed with sarah and came to the hair and nail place and mike hung out the whole time because he was in charge of videography for a wedding dvd. they're such fun people. and amazing really. sarah knows how to pick them, or maybe just God is generous. its sad that they both live in l.a. though. soon sarah and joe are going to be in the bahamas. i should get some work done before they get back, get it out of the way.
it was such a nice day too. it only rained at 10pm, right when we were dropping off decorations at a house. when i got home, i tried really hard to read, play a game, do anything. all i could do was sleep. too much excitement. i didtn even take my hair down and wash it. that was way too much effort. it was an up-do with curls and TONS of hairpins. i think its definitely time for a haircut, the hairdresser told me so and i agree. i was waiting until after this wedding. and oh!! i forgot. sarah gave the three of us (me, mike, nicole) self-portraits that she painted. they are wonderful. im always amazed at what she can create. i'll post a picture of mine. she was going for an untraditional look, with some symbolization. unfortunately, im still on mom's computer and i dont have the ftp info/password. but soon... anyway. the need for a haircut is what reminded me of the portrait, where my hair is short. like it was in hs all those years. i miss it.
i saw a lot of examples of people going out of their way to help others out this weekend. it got me thinking about how i could change for the better. it seems i always think about this but never act on it. its good to be reminded.

jueves, julio 15


once again being a little social hasnt killed me. i always drag my feet to parties or get togethers but once i get there i cant make myself leave. now i just have to convince my mom that im almost 22 and can take care of myself =( sheesh. these overprotective parents.
i need to learn to be more social. tara is always on my case about my reclusive habits. im not so good with groups of people and meeting new people. but tonite, for instance, i met one of sarah's good friends from cali and liked her alot. i never expect that i'll like new people but i just need to have more faith that there are still interesting people out there that i havent met yet. seems very simple i know. but sometimes i need to be beaten over the head to learn life's little quirks.
feel free to beat me over the head if you think it might be needed.
oh yes, i get a massage tomorrow!

lovely day

i had some fun last night. went to sarah's and joe's and this time took leah along. i htink she had fun too. we watched a funny/strange movie - the triplets of bellville. its an animated french flick. very cool. it has some good music and funny characters. not your typical cartoon at all.

oh boy. sarah and joe are getting married in two days. wierd but joyous. im glad they arent moving far away, but actually closer =) this is a change. i have a few friends with marriage on the horizon. im getting old.

one more thing.. go to ashley's blog and see the photos of the glass toilet. its really amazing.

miércoles, julio 14

something to read

i looked at my counter and saw i had more than 300 views. then i felt bad about the lack of new content. so even though i dont have much to say, here you go.

my laptop wireless card went kaput. no idea why. it took me soo long just to get it working in the first place and now its back to the not working state. infuriating really. so ive been not on quite as much, as it requires me to go upstairs and use mom's supercomputer. dont get me wrong. its not a bad experience. i just gotta fight for it now.
im still using my computer as my dvd player though. so its not getting too dusty.

im still keeping busy with blockbuster movie pass. i decided to start watching 24. only i got the 2nd season on accident. so i watched the first four episodes without realizing that. the dvd case said "season 2-disc 1" and seeing that amongst all the other title info i got confused. see, i thought it was saying 2-disc.

so thats more of my boring life.

lunes, julio 12

zelda is a thing i love

lah dee da. ive been doing not much but play zelda for the past 3 days. pathetic. thats right, those of you who know me know this is true. it is a fun game though. i got this boat (ive always wanted to learn to sail) and i got a baton for conducting (dont i make you proud tara- oh, i will pay you back) and i just got the bow and arrow. what more could i ask for? i forgot just how fun it was to play through these games for the first time. i love it and stay up way too late playing. not too hard, but sometimes you gotta think about the next step for awhile. i dotn think i ever had to look at those gay hint books. woo hoo!
too bad all good things come to an end.

things i love:
hot showers (any time of the year)
video games
code red mt dew
clean hair at night

i was just inspired today to list these things (this isnt all, just what i could think of) so as not to forget and take them for granted.

jueves, julio 8


im home finally. the 8 hour drive from indy wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. i didnt have to leave too early and got home before dark. its nice to be able to see the mountains. i remember driving home for breaks after my last classes. we wouldnt start until after 5 and most of the driving was in the dark. dats boring.

i am still very tired and have been since i got back. wednesday was spent in baltimore all day. we went to the aquarium and inner harbor. thats all good and fun but tiring. and i didnt particularly want to be in the car for an hour and a half at a time after that long drive home. i love just watching the fish swim. they should make aquariums for adults that are less crowded (no throngs of kids smashed up against the glass) and have nice couches in front of the tanks. hmm, maybe i should just get a good sized aquarium for my living room.

my mom asked me today what i wanted for my birthday. and can you imagine, i could only think of video games at the time? im pathetic. i gotta do some brainstorming. or just say nothing. i need nothing that i know of. no need to get spoiled.

i have a new project. i bought the original piano music for rhapsody in blue by gershwin. i am going to learn it. i figure this will take me at least a year, judging by how often i practice and by how my first sightreading went. i love the piece so much though and even if it takes me years i want to be able to play it.

so here are some pictures of my trip since i havent posted any in awhile.

nice view

my worn van

ha. fooled you. you thought my photos were gonna be interesting and full of people. well too bad. i didnt remember my camera until the boring ride back.

domingo, julio 4

firecrackers suck

im at my sister's right now and all i can hear are idiots setting off firecrackers in their yard. i dont get it. well i guess i do. everyone has a bit of a pyromaniac in them. i used to burn leaves and wax in a coffee can and i know some guys who get a thrill from throwing aerosol cans into a campfire. but still. this is obnoxious and needs to be stopped. maybe thats the reason they are banned in so many states. the noise.

its funny because i used to hate regular big fireworks with a passion. you know those screaming kids holding their ears and ruining the fireworks for the rest of the family? that was me. i would sit all by myself in the car until they were over. but i got to see some friday night and it was pretty cool. i started thinking about how neat it would be to be the ones who made them and set them off. now that'd be fun. this was after a baseball game and we had to wait a half hour for them to start as the arena officials ushered lots of spectators away from their seats in the section directly under where the fireworks were to be shot. apparently they didnt clear out enough sections because about halfway into the show some burning pieces made it all the way to the ground before they went out and actually landed on someone! i always wondered if that could happen and im pretty sure someone got burned because i saw it land on them and bounce, then it went out. my worst fear as a child realized.

im having a great vacation, if you can call it that. i guess ive been on vacation since i graduated but this feels different because i get to see friends and travel. i spent a weekend with my ex-roomie beth and we had great fun as i illegally accompanied her at work. i drove 4 hours to michigan and had some fun there as well. it was nice of a couple friends, who otherwise i woudlnt see, to meet me there. now im in indy with tara. we saw the indian game in cincinnati with dave and went to some friends for a 4th dinner yesterday (saturday) and today moved washering machines around. i brought one up in my van and it had to be removed, by full grown men of course. i'll have none of that backbraking work.

couple more days and i'll be back at home back to teh same ol' same ol'. except this time i'll have my gamecube and the zelda game!! hopefully zelda will have arrived by tuesday. now where to get that memory card...