well, i think this is my blog thing.

domingo, septiembre 26

ha hah!

ive done better by 43 seconds but its still takes awhile to win at all

another day

here goes for posting more often. although i dont promise to have anything to say.

my dad was gone for almost a month again, in germany this time. he just got back friday. its really nice for him to be here. not just for his company but its good to have a man around the house again. i dont have to mow anymore for one. but i dont get to use his camry anymore, i love that thing. back to my cool van. the only problem with it was that it was my mode of transportation for the lawn mower, to and from my uncle's. so grass, leaves, all kinds of dirt were in there, not to mention it smelled like gasoline. so i just got done doing the ol' vacuum and fabreze to it. now it smells nice and looks much better. i still need to put the middle bench seat back in but that can wait. or will have to anyway, i cant find the seat.

im just more productive lately. yay. i cleaned my room and my car within the weekend. and i have a job. i even have nice new clothes. lets see how long it takes me to get burnt out. im gonna be driving up to indiana this weekend. a super speedy trip. its almost not worth it to get there late friday and leave early sunday... just saturday free to see people and ashley's show. but i cant wait to see the show, and everyone else, even if its just for a day. i hope i can make another trip this semester and actually stay a whole weekend. not until im done with this job though. mon through fri 8 to 5. i havent worked full time for two years now.

sábado, septiembre 25


finally i have a job. not a very permanent one but hey, it pays and isnt hard. im now an 'imaging technician'. very cool sounding i know. i'll just let you continue to think that... if you really want to know just what i do, let me know. im very relieved. a week and a half ago i went to a temp agency as a last resort. my applications to various places weren't getting anywhere and i didnt want the jobs that much to call and bug them to give me a job. it is really neat though, when one doesnt have a job and lets others know they are looking, how many people give suggestions and mention people they know in order to help one find a job. in a way thats how i got to applying for the temp place. and they found me a job within a week. my first day was friday, after not much restful sleep (i always worry too much over new things). it went quite well. the work is easy, if tedious, and the people in the office are very nice. i was like a little kid worried about the first day of school. now i just gotta get used to sleeping at a decent hour so as to not fall asleep at work.

i cleaned my room today. it needs to smell less stuffy. but im afraid to open the door for too long. crickets might invade, the ferret will get in when leah has her out in teh other part of the basement.

martes, septiembre 21

sing me to heaven

i miss music so much. it was such a big part of my life throughout high school. choir, band (as horrible as ours was), even contemporary crap i used to be so into. i never make time for it anymore and it makes me sad. i hardly sang at all in college, maybe i should have sacrificed my social happiness to be in that (seemingly at least) self-righteous and self-absorbed choir. just going to church choir practice sunday brought back so many good memories, if you have ever heard our church choir you would really wonder how it could invoke any good memories =)

there are many things i wish i did more often. much better uses of my time. but one of the things i regret most is not improving on the piano. i still have a little time, luckily. and i can at least enjoy listening to other people's perfect performances of great songs. tonite im listening to three of beethoven's sonatas. i happened to glance at the cd book that came with it, nothing more than about 4 pages of written description of the piano pieces. im so glad i did. reading this makes me wish i had taken the path my sister took... a music major. it seems pretty worthless in a practical way if you dont plan on teaching or composing. but the lifelong value of understanding music, i mean really understanding music. thats priceless.

i also wish i could write like this =)
"The left-hand deploys sad, solemn, widely-spaced chords, sustained long enough for the vibrations of the instrument to die away gradually into each one; over them, the lower fingers of the right hand sketch an unchanging arpeggio accompaniment, its shape hardly varying from the first bar to the last, while the remaining fingers intone a sort of lament, a flowering in melody of that sombre harmony." -- of the adagio from the 'moonlight sonata'

"In the finale, the extremely rapid ascending arpeggios are dramatically highlighted, and lead to violently hammered chords. What was painfully supressed in the adagio here pours out convulsively." -- of the last movement, presto agitato

and writing about the happy second movement in the middle he says it's "a flower poised between two abysses".

the reaction reading this is funny. ive never really felt anything much for poetry. maybe listening to the music at the same time helped. oh another weird thing, this is a translation from italian. i wish i could someday translate to english in this way.

just doing a little sharing, sorry if ive bored you =)

domingo, septiembre 19


why am i up so late? i dotn know why i do this to myself.

why were there tornados in the mountains? so it seems like one came through this way. not close to my house, but there were some fallen trees a mile down the road and the guard rail's all bent up in several places. craziness.

why did my newfound happiness in watching alias season 3 not last as long as it shouldve? i think im very close to giving up on blockbuster altogether. i ask why 24 season 1 disc 5 is not there and has never been there as far as im concerned. they say, ''we dont know, too bad''. i ask if they can order it, replace it, something. no of course not. that woudl be too easy and customers would like it too much. gotta piss them off some how. they tell me, go to a different blockbuster. so i do that. i go 30 min out of my way, where theyre supposed to have this dvd. they do! but its rented. and luckily, i thought, i saw vol 1 of alias season 3 on the shelf! so i got it. all happy cuz i thought i'd never see the day when the stores near me would have it for rent (ours still has season 1 on the new release shelf...no season 2). i went back to get vol 2 and whaddaya know? NO VOLUME 2!! ive never been so frustrated. well not recently anyway. they have vol 1 and 3, they either lost vol. 2 (after less than a week on the shelf!) or they never got it. and who knows if they will ever bother ordering a new one. my guess is no. and their attitude is just great. ''too bad, its your problem i just work here''. maybe it'd be worth all this trouble if they would at least honor the 2 free movie pass deal at other stores, not charge full price. grrrr.... why do i even care?

lunes, septiembre 13

fuzzy pics

there's been some more demand... for some ferret photos. now understand that its really hard to photograph my ferret. she doenst stay still long enough. even when she's tired and just laying there, as soon as i get the camera out she's all sniffing and moving. notice her nose in the lens a good part of the time. and forget about taking one without the flash.

some curious nose

more nose

yummy vitamins

the plop pose, after running around too much

i think my battle against the crickets has been won. final score: crickets 2 (nights keeping me awake), me 3 (dead crickets). i used to have a hang up against squashing them, what wiht the gross sound and guts splooshing out. not no more. better a squished cricket than a loud one.

miércoles, septiembre 8



hail canada!

anyway, ive been having a great old time. bracing for flooded basements (which luckily didnt happen yet), making food, and driving some more. one of my favorite effects from the rain happens at night while driving. i dont really enjoy driving in teh rain but sometimes it can be cool. see, its when the street has enough water covering it to make every light you pass seem to stretch and disappear in a black abyss below. its amazing. like im driving on a lake or in some futuristic city where the cars float high above the surface. i know i sound like a freak, i probalby drive like one also, swerving from looking down at the street and not up at traffic. but its cool. i pity those that live in places where it *never* rains. but i also pity people that live in places where 3 hurricanes devastate your town in a month. it seems to me like God did not create florida to be inhabited.

thats right. im learning to cook. kidna. but cooking is such hard work, especially for people that cant do more than one thing at a time. thats me. im running all over the kitchen freaking out cuz i can tdo the spaghetti while im supposed to be adding cheese to chicken and spice mix. ohwell. i guess i'll learn. at least i know to wash hands after handling chicken.

ok. i guess thats enough of sharing my mundane existence for one night. thanks for reading!

sábado, septiembre 4

new ferret

my uncle was feeling lonely so he gots himself a baby ferret. after driving for 2 hours (me getting us lost) to the ferret farm we went in to get it. so we walk in the door and fill out papers and the whole time we hear what sounds like a shrill bird coming from the back of the room. it turns out they had already got the ferret in this box in the back. since we were an hour late this poor thing, 8 weeks old and never been away from its litter, had be in a box by itself the whole time squealing and shrieking in terror. it was so pathetic, and adorable. luckily we brough lady with us and the presence of another ferret calmed him. he still cried a lot in the night we kept him. so sad, like a little baby who's cried too much to catch its breath. he bugged the heck out of lady though. kept following her and biting her (playing). oh yeah, he bites us too =/ here's a couple pictures of sam (much better name).

in case you cant tell what youre looking at, this is lady (right) and sam (left) sleeping together. see how small he is.
oh yeah, thats just the travel cage, the reg one is much bigger.

i took this awhile ago. lady's legs are stickin up in all directions as she sleeps curled up, chin in the air.