well, i think this is my blog thing.

martes, noviembre 15

cant wait

harry potter and the goblet of fire. that was my favorite book, i think. although i havent read the first few in awhile. i just remember liking the 4th one. and now it comes out friday!

im turning in our final draft of the phonology paper. did i mention working with a partner is hard? but its good for me no matter how i complain. it makes me more willing to do a thorough job so i dont ruin someone else's grade. i have a good partner too. we have a few more things to turn in after this but its good to have at least one done.

also, i cant wait to go to the aukermans for thanskgiving. it will be so much fun. and four days without classes! its almost unheard of. and its cold out finally! i hope it lasts awhile.
Thank you God, you are good.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hola mi hia,
Thank you for blogging. I always love reading about what you are doing. I am glad it is cold - I know how much we both like the cold weather. :) Less than a month and you will be in sunny, warm Hawaii.
And yes God is very, very good and ALL the time.
Love you. Mom

8:20 a. m.

Blogger spocktongue said...

Some non-Aukermans are excited you are coming to Indiana as well. :)

10:59 a. m.

Blogger Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

you should come here and we can watch it at the imax together!! (it's worth the drive... promise)

1:12 p. m.

Blogger Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

remember when we had sars? well, now i have the bird flu. just wondering if you were suffering as well.

4:12 a. m.

Blogger frenchnerd said...

woohoo! i just saw the fourth one in French!

7:38 a. m.


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