well, i think this is my blog thing.

jueves, noviembre 3

almost thanksgiving

woo hoo! its november anyway. thats all great execpt its in the 80s. bleh. i will never get used to this. i just want to wear a scarf and hat. thats all i ask!

our last set of classes are field methods, field data management (lab on how to organize and analyze data with this program) and cultural anthropology. field methods is just that, ways to effectivily gather data and other things. for both of those classes we are continuing to learn korean and we are beginning to analyze it.

ive been busy (probably not busy enough) with phonology in field methods. we have a phonology sketch of korean due on monday. it will be good to get that out of the way. then we can focus on grammar syntax and morphology. grammar is more interesting to me.

the swahili grammar problem (final project last session) was almost fun. other than the fact it took me about 24 hours total to do. but i got one of the highest grades! that was encouraging. since i finished it at 5:40 am monday. and dont think of me as a slacker! i started thursday night, even though we had a test the next day. i worked on it a couple hours friday, all day saturday (until 1am) and then another six hours sunday night. everytime i looked at the clock i thought, "good im almost done its early!" but then i would look at the clock again and it would be two hours later and i wasnt done yet.

time to eat. happy 3 days after halloween!


Anonymous Anónimo said...

it's neat to hear that you're studying things that make you lose track of time... :) that's when you know you're learning something worthwhile.

7:59 a. m.


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