new ferret
my uncle was feeling lonely so he gots himself a baby ferret. after driving for 2 hours (me getting us lost) to the ferret farm we went in to get it. so we walk in the door and fill out papers and the whole time we hear what sounds like a shrill bird coming from the back of the room. it turns out they had already got the ferret in this box in the back. since we were an hour late this poor thing, 8 weeks old and never been away from its litter, had be in a box by itself the whole time squealing and shrieking in terror. it was so pathetic, and adorable. luckily we brough lady with us and the presence of another ferret calmed him. he still cried a lot in the night we kept him. so sad, like a little baby who's cried too much to catch its breath. he bugged the heck out of lady though. kept following her and biting her (playing). oh yeah, he bites us too =/ here's a couple pictures of sam (much better name).

in case you cant tell what youre looking at, this is lady (right) and sam (left) sleeping together. see how small he is.
oh yeah, thats just the travel cage, the reg one is much bigger.

i took this awhile ago. lady's legs are stickin up in all directions as she sleeps curled up, chin in the air.
Aww they are adorable... you should put more pictures of your ferrets. :-)
1:04 p. m.
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