well, i think this is my blog thing.

martes, diciembre 14

cheese balls

i like cheese balls and cheese logs. they are quite good. and there is a pepperoni dip as well.

do you ever have boring dreams that are so similar to reality that when you wake up you cant remember if it really happened or not? that happened to me and i got confused. i dreamed i asked a friend something and then when i wanted to ask in real life i remembered an answer but it wasnt right. cuz i asked again, for real this time. so much for me being clairvoyant.

or have you ever had dreams where you are not just someone other than yourself (and it feels natural) but you are the opposite sex? is it just me? i always wanted to be a boy when i was little- it seemed they always had it so much easier -but really, come on. where do these thoughts come from?

of course there are also those dreams in which i have super powers that are awesome. where i can open portals right in front of me and i can fly and i dont have to worry about broken computers and christmas presents because im fighting for my life and for the entire world. i wish my life was more like those dreams.


Blogger Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

cheeseballs? who titles their blog 'cheeseballs'?! i'm not sure i even want to read it. i hate cheeseballs. gross.

7:49 p. m.

Blogger Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

ok. i read it. and i have to say... i do have dreams that i confuse with reality. one time when i was little, i dreamed my mom bought me this really cool hot pink belt. i still remember it like it was yesterday. it had a cool metal clasp. then when i woke up, i looked and looked for it. and i went and asked my mom where she put it. and she had not idea what i was talking about, of course, and i got really mad. i loved that belt...

7:52 p. m.


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