well, i think this is my blog thing.

martes, diciembre 7

it happened

my computer blew up. well, at least it did on the inside. now all i get are clicking sounds and 'no harddrive', 'no os found' messages. maybe i overheated it, although i used it just fine a couple hours before. last thing i did was talk to beth about her baby's elbows while email my testimony to a mission im applying at. feel special beth. so anyway, im the stupidest person in the world who deserves what happened.. i lost all my photos. i didnt back them up. i kept saying i was going to one of these days but one of these days didnt come before it crashed. i've been told that its possible to salvage things from my harddrive if i take it to someone special, but just in case i have a favor to ask. if anyone got pics from me while i was on the taylor network could you let me know and maybe we can work out for me to recover some? you can email me or whatever. i still have my peru pictures adn all the ones from central america but most the recent ones of friends from taylor are gone.

needless to say, i will continue not being on the internet often (even though i was planning to get on more before this fiasco.) some good news: ive finally gotten back in touch with wycliffe bible translators, or they got in touch with me. its really exciting and i havent really started the application process yet but its fun to imagine me in the near future doing what i want to do instead of busy paperwork that makes no difference to anyone in the world except the rulers of kitchen supplies.