in sickness and in gaming
colds are no fun. especially in the summer when its hot. especially when i dont have school ever again. especially when i have plans to go to a friend's. they always go straight to my lungs after a day or so. yucky. i like being able to breathe.
i'd put a poll on here if i could. but i dont know if its possible and i'm not messing with anything complicated. anyway, i know what most people will say, and have already said to me about this. i think i'm getting a gamecube. i know i have too many video games already, but no recent ones. we need to get rid of the playstation and sega genesis. but ive wanted a gamecube since they came out. this is how my video game purchases always are. i never get anything when it first comes out. always wait until they are cheaper. thats how it was with the n64 and we still play that daily. so i dotn think it will be a waste of money. and those of you that tell me there are no good games for the gamecube, there are enough for us. the main draw for me is the new zelda game, and i hear that another will be coming out next year. there are plenty of multiplayer games that my sister will play with me too. so if anyone wants to make suggestions of good games, please do.
hmm, i think im gonna go play the n64 zeldas right now. best games ever.

any star wars game on game cube is nuts! always wonder why they never put them out (a lot of them atleast) on other systems.
8:58 a. m.
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