well, i think this is my blog thing.

miércoles, mayo 26


im home. been here for 2 days now, after a weekend full of excitement, tears and sunburn. i dont know how i feel about being a graduate. im sick of all the congratulations (which i dont feel i deserve) and trying to make up a feasible answer to the question "so what are you gonna do now?"

its good to see my family. my mom hasnt called me lazy yet... so i guess this is the life, so far. at least i made myself get up at 9 am, see? im a good daughter. all i've wanted to do is unpack and clean this room of mine. after cleaning like a maniac for a couple days, i still have more to go. at least i can walk through it now.

i have 2 friends here for the moment and i need to make the best of this, because one will be leaving in a couple days and then i will have one. it sure is hard to make really good friends in high school... i hope its better with my friends from college.

well im off to help my mom teach second graders how to count money, something i personally didnt get until i graduated high school and got a cashier job. since one of my good friends told me that these blogs represent all that is uninteresting about a person, i'll try to keep it short ;)


Blogger ashley said...

You should have found a reason to stay an extra semester. :-) we could have gotten an apartment together; it would have been fun. *sigh* i am going to miss you so much :-(

7:50 a. m.

Blogger Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

uninteresting = random
random = interesting
so there.

oh, and 2nd graders ROCK MY WORLD

9:09 a. m.


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