well, i think this is my blog thing.

jueves, enero 6

longest week in my life

why is it taking so long to be the weekend? i even had off on monday. it might have something to do with my doctor and dentist appointments, tuesday and wednesday, respectively. thats right, i left work an hour early both days not to go home and relax, no! i had to get pricked by needles and have people's hands in my mouth and do a whole crapload of waiting. so i didnt even get home until late anyway. to top it off, i need to make up the missed time by staying an hour late today and friday. boo! it was really dark and foggy when i got home tonight.

its interesting what i hear around the office. i have no idea if any is true, seems unlikely. my one boss was saying the earthquake that caused the tsunamis moved the earth a few inches on its axis. and today i overheard that the tsunami has somehow altered our weather here- thats why its raining miserably and freakin 60 degrees in january!! i do wish i could go to indonesia and help. it depresses me thinking about all the deaths and kids there.

anyone know where i can buy a mosquito net? i guess mosquitos are huge and plentiful in honduras. ive never used a net to sleep in before, that'll be fun if it keeps bugs off. im a bug magnet. im like izma in the emperor's new groove when she's running around the jungle with a massive cloud of bugs around her head. i think its cuz im sweet, my name means 'honey bee' in greek. oh yeah i almost forgot, a lady from lithuania said my name means 'honey licker' in that language... even better.