well, i think this is my blog thing.

martes, octubre 5


In books I meet the dead as if they were alive,
in books I see what is yet to come...
All things decay and pass with time...
all fame woudl fall victim to oblivion
if God had not given mortal men the book to aid them.
--Richard de Bury, The Philobiblon

i enjoy books. i love a good book i cant put down and a book i'll read over and over. but i also hate it, i hate how i cant do much else until i finish it and how often im interrupted and how reclusive i get.

i just finished a book like that. it was really interesting though, this book had quotes from several other books at the start of each chapter. not obscure quotes, but for the most part quotes from books i have either read or want to read. now i am thinking about reading them again or for the first time...

as if i had that much free time


Blogger melissa said...

inkheart. leah made me read it. she's got pretty good taste in books.

3:30 p. m.


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