well, i think this is my blog thing.

miércoles, junio 8

its almost time

i thought i would be ready to leave but now im not so sure. i have 50 some hours of work left (my boss is helping me keep count-they must really want to get rid of me). next friday is my last day. i wont miss the work i do but i will miss the friends ive made. i was realizing how many friends ive made at the office, i spend more time with them than i do my family. those 8 hours a day add up. i went to the pioneer club (wednesday night church for kids) picnic tonight. it was fun chasing the kids with water guns. but it was even better just sitting and talking with my friends from church as i ate. im really going to miss them all. i wont be home for another sunday for months to come =( just when im starting to really love my church. in a way im very glad that i will be doing something i love and i feel like im taking my own steps for the first time in my life. but i really hope i can radically change myself to be more responsible and much better at keeping in touch. as most of my friends can tell, ive got a lot of work to do.

tara and dave came over for the last time as an umarried couple. we had a fun luau shower for tara. we had leis and flowers and drink umbrellas, lots of fun things. even dave's friends came over for the weekend. i like them a lot, and im glad tara and dave got to see them. we played some dance dance revolution-one of my 3 favorite ps2 games.

oh yeah, i got a new cell phone. my very own instead of an extension of my parents plan. so i have verizon, i hope all my friends do so we can talk for free =) if you want my number email me and i'll get it to you. one warning, while im at home it wont work. we dont get service here, but i can talk when i go places-to and from work, shopping, so forth. so i'll check the voicemail until i'm in orlando for 2 weeks and then i'll be in indiana and then dallas. it should work all those places, so i'd be ecstatic for any phone calls. and its a camera phone so i can take and send photos! i know, im behind the times. but this phone is way better than my old one, that one didnt even have graphics.

i read anne of green gables for the first time this weekend. it was fun, a good story. i kept thinking about my red-headed ashely =) im spending some time trying to get everything organized for wycliffe. i am still putting a list together of people i think might want to hear about what im doing, maybe pray for me and/or support me. i'll also find out more specifically what i need to do when i go to orlando in a week and a half.


Blogger ashley said...

It's exciting to get things in your own name, isn't it? I felt that way when I got my cell phone... and then when I got my apartment... and set up all the utilities... but now that the bills are coming in, I'd be happy to have them in someone else's name. ;-) I'm glad you read Anne if Green Gables!! It's one of my all-time favorite books. I did a book report on it in 12th grade and it was fun to "study" a book I've grown up loving. I had to dress up like Anne and serve raspberry cordial to the class. :-) I wish I was still in Orlando so I could see you when you come down! My mom thinks I should drive down for the weekend... I miss you!!

7:34 a. m.

Blogger Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

I'm a little disappointed... in all your updates, I see nothing about you visiting a certain baby in Indianapolis sometime before going to Dallas... or Orlando... or Hawaii... my, you do get around, don't you?

12:33 p. m.


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