well, i think this is my blog thing.

miércoles, marzo 23


ive been accepted to wycliffe bible translators, after all that worry. im thankful to finally be sure of something. im still working on admission to GIAL but it looks good. the bimester starts at the end of july. i praying the funds will all come together, with me working and applying for scholarships i should be able to do it.

works going alright and i'll stay as long as i can to earn that last little bit of money. its been a little different, a couple friends at work have been having some hard times. im also being trained on some new stuff while at the same time i am training a new person. its been a bit tiring and stressful. ive been doing some long days in order to leave early tomorrow. leah and i am driving to indiana to see tara. im really looking forward to spending some time with her before she gets married. and it will be nice to see some other friends out there.

im not feeling too good tonite but i hope its just that im tired. instead of staying late today, i went in an hour early. we ate a good dinner at texas roadhouse for my grandpa's birthday. on the way home i bought jars of clay's new cd (excellent as always) and we stopped for icecream. retarded? yes. its 30 degrees outside! but rita's opened this weekend so we had to.


Blogger ashley said...

YAY!!!!!!! :-D you better make sure to put me on your prayer/supporter list.. and it's never too cold for ice cream

10:23 p. m.

Blogger Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

yay that you're a missionary!
boo that you went to indy and i never saw you, not once. and i'm truly fat with child, too, so you would have really enjoyed seeing me as well.

6:54 a. m.


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