well, i think this is my blog thing.

domingo, agosto 29

idiot kids

i was just reading amanda's blog in which she lets us read some stuff she wrote as a kid. its cool looking at things from my childhood. last year when we moved i got to read through a lot from elementary school and see some pictures i drew and those cute little hand paintings where you see how freakin small you used to be. i just saw something else my mom had lying around. it was this book made of pages that everyone in my 3rd grade class drew for me. its funny that my favorite things back then were almost the same as now.. nintendo anyone? haha. so this one kid had a drawing of me outside. i need to scan this thing so you can witness the hilarity.

some of the words coming out of my mouth in one of those little bubbles are 'I smile food'.

thats all for now.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

aww you still read my blog that makes me feel soo loved.

9:50 p. m.

Blogger melissa said...

of course i do. and you read mine =)

7:40 a. m.


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